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Notes on using massage chairs

Publish Time: 2020-01-31     Origin: Site

Today, there are many more types of massage chairs than there were a few years ago, and the prices are different. So sitting on a massage chair can really achieve the effect of massage?

The principle of the massage chair is to use the rolling force of the mechanical force and squeeze the mechanical force to perform massage. Manual massage can clear the meridians, circulate qi and blood, and maintain the balance of yin and yang of the body. Therefore, after massage, you can feel relaxed muscles, flexible joints, energize people and eliminate fatigue, and have an important role in ensuring physical health. For normal people, artificial massage can enhance the body's natural resistance to disease and achieve health effects.

However, the mechanical massage of a massage chair is different from the manual massage. Although the massage chair has several touch points, it cannot select acupoints, point acupoints, and perform actions similar to manual massage, but imitate the "kneading" and "pinching" actions of a person. Therefore, the massage chair can only eliminate fatigue, reduce discomfort, relax and have no healing effect, and its force is not easy to control. When the force is small, the effect is not great. When the force is large, it will cause muscle pain.

Therefore, some people are not suitable for using massage chairs: First, patients with cardiac hypertension and osteoporosis. Because massage can speed up the blood circulation of the human body, it is easy to cause heart disease and high blood pressure patients; while osteoporosis is due to calcium deficiency and other reasons, it is easy to cause bones to become brittle, the massage force is large, and it is particularly easy to cause fractures. The second is patients with local skin damage, ulcers, bleeding, tuberculosis, and tumors. The third is people who are hungry, full, drunk or overtired.

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